“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.” (1 Timothy 1:7)
Fear of any kind is not good for us. God stresses this fact enough for us by providing so many Scriptural verses for us as a promise and weapon against fear. There is at least 365 promises in the Bible specifically dealing with fear. And so, every single day of our life we don’t have fear to anything!
God hates fear. Why? Because, Fear paralysis us! It stops your Faith. As an example, just take a look at the screen, in this story, about one giant’s intimidation of a whole Nation of Israel in 1 Samuel 17:1-52. (Please read this in your bible)
In this story Satan nearly won the victory, just based on fear and intimidation alone! Look at a whole nation, including their king Saul, a Nation of people, in covenant with the creator of the Heavens and the Earth. These are God’s children, and here they are melting with fear before one uncircumcised Philistine, because of his Size! “…..And all the men of Israel, when they saw the man, fled from him, terrified.” (1 Samuel 17:24)
But then, take a look at just ONE small Boy, with another Focus. A small boy with no reputation, a mere shepherd boy and the least in his family, David. As soon as David came on the scene, he immediately refused to DOUBT God, despite the attempts by his brothers and even Saul. And also, he refused to allow Goliath’s insults and intimidation to discourage him. His focus was on a Covenant keeping God, you can see from his confession; “Then said David to the Philistine, You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the ranks of Israel, Whom you have defied.” (1 Samuel 17:45)
This mere shepherd boy because of his courage in God , he ushered in another atmosphere into the scene. A boy who had no reputation with man, immediately brought God on the scene, and from there the rest is history. God turned the table around and gave the nation of Israel the victory, because of one small boy who had his focus on a Miracle working God. And God was glorified!
When you are facing a serious sickness, financial crisis or an unexpected problem the spirit of fear will immediately try to gain a STONGHOLD in your mind. If you don’t take authority over it in Jesus Name, it will take over and dominate your heart and mind until you are no longer trusting and believing God. Fear is not just a dictionary translation, Fear is a spirit! It is a spirit sent and used by Satan to oppress, torment, control and dominate. Fear takes our focus off God and places it on our circumstances.
Brothers and Sisters, where is our focus? Where is your focus consigning that issue or problem before you. Jesus says he will never leave nor forsake us. David won his battle because of his relationship with God. If you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, you too can rest your faith in God’s word and confront your sickness, financial trouble or any giant before you like David.
I encourage you to make this Confess of faith with me: I recognize fear is not from God. It is not for me and I refuse fear to take control of my life! Fear you are not my lord, Jesus Christ is my saviour and Lord. In the name of Jesus I reject you and cast you out of my mind and my life. I plead the Blood of Jesus over my life and I embrace the Holy Spirit in my life. God has not given me the spirit of fear but the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind. From today, my trust and focus is in Jesus Christ and all His promises for my life. Amen!
Know that, you are in prayer everyday! God bless you!
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