“So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world.” (1 Peter 1:13).
Do you have a dream? Has God called you to do something great? Then get ready to fight for it! Many people find their purpose in life but unfortunately only few are willing to fight it. And it’s the few who do, that achieve great things in life. Today, I’m continuing with the spiritual warfare series, dealing with the ‘Helmet of Salvation’ another spiritual armour in Ephesians 6:11-18.
In Roman days, the Soldiers protected their heads from fatal injury in battle by wearing their helmets. In 1 Peter 1:13, Peter was encouraging fellow Christians going through persecution and trials to “gird up the loins of their minds.” In physical terms, the “Loins” represent the parts of the body between the ribs and the hip bones. That is the chief part of the body. It is the region that holds the body’s strength, our body is joined together at the Loins. And to “Gird” something is to encircle or secure it together with a belt. Therefore, if the Loins fall apart the body also cannot function but will fall apart.
Relating this to the spiritual battle we are in, to “gird up the loins of our minds” makes sense, because the mind is the chief strength of our lives. If a mind is dysfunctional, that life will fall apart as well. And so, Peter was telling these Christians, not to focus on what they were seeing in the natural. But to hold their minds together with the “TRUTH” and stir their thoughts in the direction of the Truth – The Word of God.
It is very important that we locate where the Battle Field is for the guerilla warfare the devil is wagging against us. You see, the devil may be attacking your body with sickness, causing your kids to act wild or setting up road blocks against your business. But, you have to go beyond looking at things in the natural and focus on where the “real battle must be fought and won.” You cannot fight against Satan in the flesh. But your MIND is where you must resist and stop devil! To win the victory in the natural, you must first win the battle in your mind!
The Bible says we walk by faith and not by sight. (Hebrews 11:1). As believers, God has given us the spiritual eyes to see the end of the matter through His promises in the Bible. God has given us every thing we need to win this war with Satan. And it is,“IT IS WRITTEN.”(Luke 4:1-14). My friends be encouraged, refuse to walk by sight but “gird up the loins of your mind.” Stand up against those thoughts that are not in agreement with God for your life. Cast them out in Jesus name! Begin to renew your mind with the Word and confess the Word over your life, even as God calls things that be not as though they were. (Romans 4:17).
Prayer Confession: Prayer confession: Dear Father, thank you for giving me the wisdom to understand where the real battle is fought in my circumstances. My faith is not in how bad my circumstances look but what your Word says about it. The power to change my world and fulfill my destiny is in your Word. You have given me the power to take charge over my life, making my way successful by renewing my mind with your Word. I have the authority to walk in victory over every plot of the wicked one against me and my family in Jesus name. I have the victory and I am more than a conqueror. I have a great destiny in Christ. And I will live to fulfill my purpose. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Reflection: "And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb. Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God." (Romans 5:19-20).
“Do you have a dream? Has God called you to do something great?”
I have felt this for some time. Thank you for this series.
Amen! Lionel thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement. Remain blessed!
Hi Shade! I really agree with the thought that every good thing is worth fighting for. I read somewhere that the difference between achieving goals and falling short lies in the ability to stay constant, and not be turned aside by bad times. That’s pretty much what you are saying here.
I never thought of it in terms of ‘girding up your mind’, but I like it! We do need protection from negative thoughts, that’s my biggest opponent. “I’ll never do that, I’ll never get there…” I am my own worst enemy sometimes. I need to gird up my mouth!
Have a great Thursday,
Hi Ceil! The ability to stay constant is a battle for me as well, I must admit. But my healing is beginning to manifest more and more as I’m learning to lean more on God in my weakness and ask for His help. Without His grace we simply can’t do it. Thank God that the Holy Spirit knows us individually and knows the best way to get us there in a unique way. Praise God!
Thank you for your insight and have wonderful day!
Bless you!
What a word, what a word, what a word! Thank you my sister for encouraging me and affirming something I’d let slip in my mind. I must fight for and “gird up” to do what I believe God is calling me to do. THANK YOU!
Amen! With all God nothing is impossible.Thank you Lilka! And remain blessed!
Thankfully God also gives us the will to fight for that which He places within us. We need to differentiate. vw
VW it’s so true, we do need to differentiate what is God and what is fleshly dream, otherwise, we will be lost in a circle. Thank’s for your insight and have a wonderful day!
true. vw 🙂
Bless you 🙂