“If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or fault finding, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5) AMP
Many times we are very proficient or knowledgeable in identifying the right Scripture verse that deals with our problem, which is perfectly right, in-fact, it ‘s foundation to any need presented to God in prayer.
One of such obvious verses is, Mark 11:23 –“Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Be lifted up and thrown into the sea! and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him.” But, what is unfortunate is that, sometimes we just grab the Word like a gun and start “shooting off” at the mountain, scattering the rocks, using up so much energy without getting result. Yes, we are doing something, but in-effect, we are just going around the same mountain like the children of Israel in the wilderness. It becomes natural that, with time we will become disillusioned or worn out using up so much energy “firing verses”, scattering the rocks on the mountain, then, doubt sets in and with time we give up and quit!
What I’m trying to say is this, The problem is not the top of the mountain or the rocks, the problem is the ROOT of the mountain. To save ourselves so much time and energy, it’s is important we Deal with the ROOT of the issue. What we want is to get rid of the problem by uprooting it!
Many times the mountain or the problem we are dealing with has taken a deep root in us, becoming a STRONGHOLD in our thought pattern – a carnal mindset, religious mindset, sometimes it’s because we have wrong motives or doors we have opened for the enemy through known or unknown sin thereby giving the devil a legal access to work in our life. All these or whatever the root of problem is, if not removed, will block the PROCESS and the OPERATION of our faith.
To stop us going round about the same mountain over and over we need to “uproot” the mountain. In Mark 11:23, Jesus is talking about “uplifting” the mountain, not scattering the rocks. To move the mountain, it must be uprooted, that is, cut it out from the root.
God is more than willing to give you the wisdom and understanding about the root of the issues you are dealing with. All you need is to just ask Him for it and allow Him to guide you through. And be patient with God to walk you through the process, having the determination to hold your ground in the word of God by faith until you see the physical manifestation.
I’m praying for you! God bless you!
Great post! Thanks and God bless you!
Thank you for your encouragement Sis! The Lord bless you!
Always here for you! Glory to God! Blessings my friend!!
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A great post on Wisdom! God bless you!
I’m humbled, thank you! May the Lord continue to honor and and make you a blessing to many more for His glory. Amen!:)
Glory to God! Thank you
Great post !! May God be glorified by you’re writing !!
Blessings in Christ, bruce
Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment, really appreciate it! I tried checking your blog but couldn’t log in, but i will try again another time, hoping to read your post in the near future. Blessings to you!!
Needed this wisdom today. Thank you my sweet friend!!!!
Thank you, for stopping over, so glad you were blessed by the post! Love and blessings!!:)